[Python-ideas] requests in the stdlib?

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon Nov 4 21:14:18 CET 2013

On Nov 04, 2013, at 03:51 PM, Matěj Cepl wrote:

>I guess I am not the first one who experienced a profound life-changing
>epiphany of meeting with the requests package.  Yesterday after fighting for
>hours with urllib2 (and GitHub API) and failing, I have succeeded with
>requests in five minutes.
>Despite how much I dislike using libraries outside of the stdlib (yes,
>unittest is the way to go, please, no nosetests and py.test for me), I am now
>persuaded that requests API is the best thing since ... I don't know, API of
>feedparser (RIP, Aaron Swartz)?
>So, I guess, somebody had to already suggest pulling requests into
>stdlib. Could somebody here point me to the resulting discussion, please?

requests is nice, and I like the API as well.  I wouldn't be opposed to
pulling it into the 3.4 stdlib if upstream were amenable.

However, the specific implementation would have to stop vendoring various
packages such as chardet and urllib3, and it would have to make it easy to use
system provided certificates instead of bundling its own (there's been
discussion on this issue for Python as well).

We have to carry deltas in Debian to prevent this vendorization, and I think
for Python stdlib they would be unacceptable.  That probably means at least
also pulling in urllib3 and chardet.

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