[Python-ideas] A suggestion for Python 3 vs Python 2

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Tue Nov 12 08:38:13 CET 2013

Xuancong Wang writes:

 > I notice that one major change in python 3 is that it makes
 > 'print' as a standard function, and it will require typing ().

What makes you think typing "()" is required?  True, it needs to
be present in the file, but typing is not necessarily required.
Eg, if you use Emacs, you can define an abbreviation such that pr
SPC automatically produces "print()"; with a little more effort
you could define a "skeleton" which positions the cursor between
the parentheses.  I don't know if IDLE or WingIDE will do this for
you, but certainly you could add such a feature to IDLE.  I
imagine other editors have similar possibilities.  If there's
really so much demand for it, I imagine Emacs's python-mode and
IDLE at least will add those features.

This kind of technology is getting quite advanced; predictive
input methods are essential in Japanese, and I would suppose in
Chinese as well.  Spoken input is now a proven technology.  I
really don't think it's a good idea to argue about typing
efficiency in this day and age; the changes you suggest are likely
to be obsolete within a few years.

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