[Python-ideas] A suggestion for Python 3 vs Python 2

Masklinn masklinn at masklinn.net
Thu Nov 14 16:30:45 CET 2013

On 2013-11-14, at 16:05 , Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 07:13:19PM -0800, Andrew Barnert wrote:
>> I know this is getting way off topic, but the real problem with doing 
>> curried/auto-partial functions in Python isn't the parens, it's the 
>> variable arguments. An auto-partial function has to accumulate 
>> parameters if it doesn't get enough, execute when it does. (Currying 
>> gives you that for free, because it means you only get one argument at 
>> a time, but you can do auto-partials without currying.)
> I disagree. The real problem is the ambiguity. Given:
> y = divmod(x)
> did I intend for y to be a partial function, or did I mean to type 
> divmod(x, 3) but mess up? Given how few coders come from a functional 
> programming background, my money is that it's an error.
> In languages with static typing, it's easy for the compiler to resolve 
> this: if y is declared as a function object, then I meant for the 
> partial application.

In most of those languages, y likely isn’t explicitly typed and its
type will be inferred depending on how it’s used.

> If y is declared as an int, then it's an error. But 
> you can’t do this in Python.

But it’ll likely blow up a few lines below when you try to perform 
arithmetic operations on a function (not that this is a good thing,
but it’s no different from a function returning an unexpected None)

> [...]
>> But to handle a vararg function, you'd need a separate syntax for 
>> partializing vs. calling.
> We have that. It's called functools.partial :-)
> Aside: am I the only one who wishes there was a functools.rpartial, that 
> binds from the right instead of the left?

I’ve wanted this as well. Or the ability to somehow “fill holes”.
Scala- or Clojure-type parse transforms are pretty neat for that
(write the call with holes/placeholders, the call is deferred as a function
taking arguments to fill the placeholders)

Examples of Scala have already been provided, in Clojure it’s an explicit
reader form:

    #(foo 1 2 %)

is equivalent (and expanded) to

    (fn [arg] (foo 1 2 arg))

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