[Python-ideas] Dart-like method cascading operator in Python
Markus Unterwaditzer
markus at unterwaditzer.net
Thu Nov 21 12:20:08 CET 2013
IMO this looks at least less ambiguous than my proposal.
-- Markus
"Perešíni Peter" <ppershing at gmail.com> wrote:
>Recently I fell in love with Dart method cascading operator .. to the
>degree that I find it really convenient and I am missing it in the
>The cascade operator
> ..setX(5)
> ..y=6
>is the syntactic sugar equivalent of the following:
>tmp = myObj
>This can be used to greatly simplify instantiating objects and can also
>enable creating domain specific languages in Python. In particular, we
>make this much more powerful in Python (as opposed to Dart) because
>recognizes scope by indentation and therefore it would be possible to
>something like
> ..set("xrange [0:5]")
> ..set("yrange [0:20]")
> ..newPlot()
> ..addSeries("Linear", [1,2,3])
> ..addSeries("Quadratic", [1,4,6])
> ..run()
>template = HtmlTemplate()
> ..head()
> ..script(src="xyz")
> ..body()
> ..div(class="main")
> ..paragraph("I am the first paragraph")
> ..paragraph("I am the second paragraph")
>Note that this is strictly better than method chaining, e.g.
>template = MyObject().setX(1).setY(2)
>a) method chaining is hard to write on multiple lines, the only two
>template = MyObject() \
> .setX(1) \
> .setY(2)
>which is fragile (explicit line continuation is discouraged in Python)
>(template = MyObject()
> .setX(1)
> .setY(2))
>which looks weird.
>b) method chaining cannot take advantage of multiple scoping, e.g. the
>way to write Gnuplot example is
> .set("...")
> .newPlot()
> .addSeries()
> .addSeries()
> *.endPlot()*
> .run()
>with added method *endPlot()* to the Plot class. Moreover, Plot class
>needs a direct reference to its parent (e.g. Gnuplot) so it can return
>This adds unnecessary cyclic dependencies.
>c) method chaining needs specialized API, e.g. each method needs to
>d) method chaining cannot be used with attributes, e.g. there is no
>equivalent to
>obj = MyObject()
> ..x=1
> ..y=2
>Note that this proposal is different from "in" statement [
>in the sense that this proposal does not bring anything new into the
> ..obj2
> ..x = y
>translates to
>tmp1 = obj1
>tmp2 = obj2
>tmp2.x = y
>or (simplified)
>obj1.obj2.x = y
>no matter if obj2 or obj1 contains variable y.
>In my opinion, such cascading operator would greatly help creating
>specific languages APIs in Python which are
>1) easily readable. It is better than being lost in a repetitive stream
>lines looking like obj.x(), obj.y(), obj.z(). Note that repetitive
>of lines (apart from being too verbose) also introduces a possibility
>mistyping the name of the object
>2) easy to implement (no special API considerations as returning self
>each function call)
>What do you think?
> Peter
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