[Python-ideas] CC0 for Python Documentation

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Sat Nov 23 23:53:15 CET 2013

On 11/23/2013 6:18 AM, anatoly techtonik wrote:

> What I really would like to see is the discussion of pure idea of
> Python documentation in CC0, is it good or bad.

Since the docs are partially owned by 4 different entities, such 
discussion would be pointless.

 > Here I expected to see opinions from all people
> why CC0 is bad or good.

This list is for improving future Python versions.
It is not a Creative Commons discussion group.

[the current situation]
> 1. it works,


> so no reason to touch it, or spend time on or even
> discuss alternatives

and pointless for the reason given above.

> 2. python doc is for python code, so it's ok that you should sign the
> CLA to edit them

Yes. Many patches affect both code and docs. Code includes docs in the 
form of docstrings. There is intentional duplication between docstrings 
in the code and entries in the docs. They are not separable.

> As for the first, I still would like to discuss all points addressed -
> that's why it is python-ideas, where there ordinary people can talk
> about things they like and don't like.

python-list is for discussing changes to Python the language and the 
CPython implementation and distribution thereof. Other things that 
people like or not are off-topic.

Terry Jan Reedy

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