[Python-ideas] Replacing the if __name__ == "__main__" idiom (was Re: making a module callable)

Ron Adam ron3200 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 25 16:06:47 CET 2013

On 11/24/2013 10:14 PM, Ron Adam wrote:
> Regarding the is_main()...  seems like it should take an argument.  Most
> is_something() functions do.  Is there a way to make something like the
> following work?
>     def is_main(name=None):
>         if name == None:
>             name = get_attr_from_caller()  # dynamic lookup
>         return (name == "__main__")

This should have been...

      def is_main(name=None):
          if name == None:
              name = get_attr_from_caller("__name__")  # dynamic lookup
          return (name == "__main__")


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