[Python-ideas] pytaint: taint tracking in python

Felix Gröbert felix at groebert.org
Mon Oct 14 14:25:53 CEST 2013


I'd like to start a discussion on adding a security feature: taint tracking.

As part of his internship, Marcin (cc) has been working on a patch to
cpython-2.7.5 which is available online. We also published a design
document and slides.


The idea behind taint tracking (or taint checking) is that we mark
('taint') untrusted data and prevent the programmer from using it in
sensitive places (called sinks). A standard use case would be in a web
application, where data extracted from HTTP requests is tainted and a
database connection is sensitive sink. In other words: objects returned by
http request have a property indicating taint, and when one of them is
passed to database connection, a TaintException is raised.

The idea itself is not new (Ruby and Perl have it; there are also some
python libraries floating around) and pretty much noone uses it - however
with a few improvements, it can be made viable.

Firstly, we introduce different kinds of taint (motivation: a string may be
attack vector for many classes of attacks - e.g. XSS, SQLi - and we need
different escaping for that). Secondly, we allow to easily apply it to
existing software - a programmer can simply write a config file specifying
taint sources, sensitive sinks and taint cleaners, and enable tracking by
adding one line to his app.

We think it's a very useful feature for developing most of webapps and
other security-sensitive application in Python, any thoughts on this?

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