[Python-ideas] YAML (yet-another-multiline-lambda)

Ryan Gonzalez rymg19 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 22 19:57:54 CEST 2013

Looks like Lisp(Lots of Irritating Stupid Parenthesis). Hehehe.

On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 5:10 AM, Antony Lee <antony.lee at berkeley.edu> wrote:

> As the issue has been (indirectly) raised again in the recent context
> manager thread, I would like to propose yet another syntax for multiline
> lambdas...  I know there has been many but I (foolishly?) hope this one is
> simpler.  I do not wish to focus on the usual arguments for and against the
> usefulness of such a construct (from the archives of the list, I feel that
> the lack of an attractive syntax is the bigger barrier).
> Specifically, I suggest that the "def" (and possibly the "class")
> keyword(s) may be used in an expression context, if immediately surrounded
> by parentheses.  The indentation of the body of the function is given by
> the indentation of the first line after the def.
> target = (def f(arg):
>     <...>)
> add_callback(
>     def callback(arg):
>         <...>)
> callbacks = {
>     "foo":
>         (def foo():
>             <...>), # note how the parentheses disambiguate where the last
> comma belongs
>     "bar":
>         (def bar():
>             <...>)
> }
> As an extra suggestion, one may want to allow not specifying a function
> name in these contexts:
> callbacks = {
>     "foo":
>         (def ():
>             <...>)
> }
> (in which case the function would be named "<lambda>", of course) but I do
> not think that this is a critical feature (and it could always be added
> later).
> Feel free to critique,
> Antony
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