[Python-ideas] Have os.unlink remove junction points on Windows

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Wed Sep 25 22:51:24 CEST 2013

On 9/25/2013 7:01 AM, Kim Gräsman wrote:

> I opened an issue before posting here: http://bugs.python.org/issue18314

I added as nosy the two Windows experts listed in

I suspect that at least one of them knows enough about junction points 
to review a patch *were you to write one*.

> I'd be happy to provide a patch, but I only want to put time into it
> if there's a reasonable chance it gets committed. That's why I wanted
> to hear if there were any objections, so I don't end up writing,
> testing and posting a patch only to end up in quibbles around the
> general idea.

It is possible that one of the two might have an opinion to the 
contrary, but after reading the Wikipedia article,


It seems that you ought to be able to delete junction points from 
Python. That is no guarantee that any particular patch will be accepted.

> I'm new to Python development; would a concrete patch help move this forward?

Definitely. I added a note to the issue about testing and Windows versions.

Terry Jan Reedy

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