[Python-ideas] Browser for mailing lists

Cameron Simpson cs at zip.com.au
Tue Apr 1 00:44:32 CEST 2014

On 31Mar2014 13:48, Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> wrote:
> On Mar 31, 2014, at 04:52 PM, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> >I'm wedded to having the archives available in a simple and easy
> >to fetch form, in a format that is easily imported by many MUAs.
> >Therefore: mbox.
> I'm not sure that's really an effective use case.

It is for me. I do this regularly. I've come across this in the
past: one describes one's work practices and people tell you it
isn't a real world use case. I know I don't _want_ to live in the
real world, but I'm pretty sure I do.

> For example, python-list
> raw mbox archives are 156GB.  I'm positive it's highly compressable, but
> still, why would you want to download some huge mbox like that?

As I've said repeatedly now. To be able to search it or otherwise
consult it with my own tools and when offline, and to browse it
the way I _like_ to browse email: in a mail reader.

BTW: 156 GB? Only python-list? I'd have thought I'd have pulled it
when I joined and my archive is only around 2GB as stored on disc.
A rough guess based on eyeballing the gzipped mbox downloads available
from pipermail suggests a similar total. Are there tons of predating
1999, or not in pipermail?

Cameron Simpson <cs at zip.com.au>

One rider (Kenny Roberts?) described The CorkScrew as:
        It's like driving your bike into a phone booth, and then
        having the phone booth dropped down an elevator shaft!

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