[Python-ideas] Yet Another Switch-Case Syntax Proposal

Devin Jeanpierre jeanpierreda at gmail.com
Wed Apr 23 00:06:55 CEST 2014

On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 9:54 PM, Andrew Barnert
<abarnert at yahoo.com.dmarc.invalid> wrote:
> Meanwhile, ML and friends let you go farther, matching by partial values:
>     of (True, y):
>         process(y)
>     of Eggs(z):
>         fry(z)
> The first matches only if it's a tuple of exactly two values and the first
> is equal to True, binding y to the second; the second matches only if it's
> equal to an Eggs instance constructed with exactly one argument, and binds z
> to that argument.
> Clearly not all of this fits into Python. (The last example isn't even
> conceptually possible, given the way object initialization works.) But it's
> worth considering what does and what doesn't fit rather than trying to
> design a feature without even knowing what the options are.

I'm really glad you brought this up, and it isn't conceptually
impossible. Eggs(x) inside a pattern probably won't actually
initialize an Eggs object; it probably would create a pattern object
instead, and the value being matched can decide whether or not it
obeys that pattern, and (if so) what object should be assigned to z.

Why is it that every time someone brings up switch/case, they're being
inspired by C and Java instead of ML or Haskell? People are looking
backwards instead of forwards. Python doesn't have a nice way of
pattern matching on tagged unions in general, not just C-style enums
-- and it really ought to. I think pattern matching could fit in
Python, where switch doesn't really. Switch replaces if/elif, pattern
matching replaces the if/elif plus any work unpacking contents. The
format of a pattern match encourages code to be written in a way that
disjointly separates groups of disparate values, in a way that isn't
difficult and doesn't involve weird type checks or whatever.

Looking at the difference in e.g. AST manipulation code with/without
is a nice example of how code can be made more readable. And looking
at the problems Python code has today with this kind of thing is also
illustrative -- for example, how do you tell the difference between no
result, and a result whose value is None? In some APIs, you can't (!),
in some, you need to specify a special sentinel object and check
identity (ew), and in some, no result is represented by an exception
-- which is fine, but in some cases very error prone (an uncaught
StopIteration, for example, will terminate any generator that calls
you, which can be difficult to notice.)   Pattern matching offers a
real alternative option here that wasn't realistic before.

But, maybe this is one of those things that won't happen because
Haskell licked the cookie and now everyone thinks it's gross and
unreadable, and can't be convinced otherwise. I'm more worried that
people don't even know this exists...

-- Devin

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