[Python-ideas] Proposal: Use mypy syntax for function annotations

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Thu Aug 14 05:41:30 CEST 2014

On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 6:39 PM, Andrew Barnert <
abarnert at yahoo.com.dmarc.invalid> wrote:

> On Wednesday, August 13, 2014 12:45 PM, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org>
> wrote:
> >  def word_count(input: List[str]) -> Dict[str, int]:
> >      result = {}  #type: Dict[str, int]
> >      for line in input:
> >          for word in line.split():
> >              result[word] = result.get(word, 0) + 1
> >      return result
> I just realized why this bothers me.
> This function really, really ought to be taking an Iterable[String]
> (except that we don't have a String ABC). If you hadn't statically typed
> it, it would work just fine with, say, a text fileā€”or, for that matter, a
> binary file. By restricting it to List[str], you've made it a lot less
> usable, for no visible benefit.

Heh. :-) I had wanted to write an additional paragraph explaining that it's
easy to change this to use typing.Iterable instead of typing.List, but I
forgot to add that.

> And, while this is less serious, I don't think it should be guaranteeing
> that the result is a Dict rather than just some kind of Mapping. If you
> want to change the implementation tomorrow to return some kind of proxy or
> a tree-based sorted mapping, you can't do so without breaking all the code
> that uses your function.

Yeah, there's a typing.Mapping for that.

> And if even Guido, in the motivating example for this feature, is
> needlessly restricting the usability and future flexibility of a function,
> I suspect it may be a much bigger problem in practice.

Well, so it was actually semi-intentional. :-)

> This example also shows exactly what's wrong with simple generics: if this
> function takes an Iterable[String], it doesn't just return a
> Mapping[String, int], it returns a Mapping of _the same String type_. If
> your annotations can't express that, any value that passes through this
> function loses type information.

In most cases it really doesn't matter though -- some types are better left
concrete, especially strings and numbers. If you read the mypy docs you'll
find that there are generic types, so that it's possible to define a
function as taking an Iterable[T] and returning a Mapping[T, int]. What's
not currently possible is expressing additional constraints on T such as
that it must be a String. When I last talked to Jukka he explained that he
was going to add something for that too (@Jukka: structured types?).

> And not being able to tell whether the keys in word_count(f) are str or
> bytes *even if you know that f was a text file* seems like a pretty major
> loss.

On this point one of us must be confused. Let's assume it's me. :-) Mypy
has a few different IO types that can express the difference between text
and binary files. I think there's some work that needs to be done (and of
course the built-in open() function has a terribly ambiguous return type
:-( ), but it should be possible to say that a text file is an
Interable[str] and a binary file is an Iterable[bytes]. So together with
the structured (?) types it should be possible to specify the signature of
word_count() just as you want it. However, in most cases it's overkill, and
you wouldn't want to do that for most code.

Also, it probably wouldn't work for more realistic examples -- as soon as
you replace the split() method call with something that takes punctuation
into account, you're probably going to write it in a way that works only
for text strings anyway, and very few people will want or need to write the
polymorphic version. (But if they do, mypy has a handy @overload decorator
that they can use. :-)

Anyway, I agree it would be good to make sure that some of these more
advanced things can actually be spelled before we freeze our commitment to
a specific syntax, but let's not assume that just because you can't spell
every possible generic use case it's no good.

--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
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