[Python-ideas] Proposal: Use mypy syntax for function annotations

Ethan Furman ethan at stoneleaf.us
Thu Aug 14 19:29:01 CEST 2014

On 08/14/2014 09:01 AM, Sunjay Varma wrote:
> Additionally, this approach can be used by documentation generators as well and removes any duplication from the
> function declaration and the docstring.
> Here's a taste of what that looks like:
>      class SimpleEquation(object):
>          def demo(self, a, b, c):
>              """
>              This function returns the product of a, b and c
>              @type self: SimpleEquation
>              :param a: int - The first number
>              :param b: int
>              :param c: int - The third number should not be zero and should also
>                  only be -1 if you enjoy carrots (this comment spans 2 lines)
>              :return: int
>              """
>              return a * b * c

+1  I like this much more.


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