[Python-ideas] Proposal: Use mypy syntax for function annotations

Alex Hammel ahammel87 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 15 00:35:04 CEST 2014

If we're looking for precedents in other languages, the Dialyzer project
for Erlang is worth a look. It does completely optional static type
checking without affecting the runtime at all.

It was pretty widely adopted and it works well in my experience. I think
it's a bit different from what's being proposed here (it does type
inference as well, for instance), but it is a more or less successful
example of adding optional static checks to a dynamically typed language.

Based on my experiences with Dialyzer and the way I've used function
annotations in Python to date, I'm really excited about this proposal.

On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 3:11 PM, Dennis Brakhane <brakhane at googlemail.com>

> Am 14.08.2014 22:16, schrieb Sunjay Varma:
> > One of the many benefits of Python is that you can use objects with
> > equivalent interfaces in functions that may not have expected that
> > type while they were being written.
> Exactly. As others have already noted, Guido's example is actually
> restricting code from calling it with a file object for no particular
> reason.
> Another thing is that it restricts the entries of the iterables to be
> str, while it actually only requires them to provide a split method.
> For example, and I'm aware that this is a contrieved case, let's assume
> word_count would actually be somehow extremely optimized code that
> I don't want to rewrite.
> I now want to count all prime factors in a list of integers.
> Without annotations I *could* do something like this ("Language for
> consenting adults"):
>   class IntWrapper(int):
>       def split(self):
>           return primefactors(self)
>   word_count(IntWrapper(i) for i in my_integer_list)
> I don't want to argue whether that's good code or not (it probably
> isn't), it would be possible to write such code and it will work correctly.
> For mypy to accept such code, the type declaration of word_count would
> have to be something like
>   def word_count(input: Iterable[has("split() -> T")]) -> Dict[T, int]
> Which would require a very complex type system.
> If I understand MyPy correctly, the above would be possible, but it
> would have to look something like
>   cast(Dict[int, int], word_count(cast(List[str], (IntWrapper(i) for i
> in my_integer_list)))
> One could argue that this ugly piece of code is the rightful punishment
> for abusing duck typing, but I'm not convinced
> you should be forced to make the code unreadable (and therefore refactor
> your code and reimplement word_count yourself).
> > We have to be careful with this. If we do accept it (or any of the
> > many alternatives suggested so far), then we should choose a few use
> > cases and focus on solving them as best as possible.
> Yes, my fear is that we will either end up with a broken type system
> like Java (which provides more problems than it solves) or end up with a
> hugely complex type system and type hierachy like Scala
> (see http://www.scala-lang.org/api/2.11.2/#scala.collection.MapLike for
> a quick example what you end up with)
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