[Python-ideas] RFC: Multiple Dispatch

Matthew Rocklin mrocklin at gmail.com
Fri Aug 15 17:33:41 CEST 2014

Hi all,

I curate the multipledispatch library on PyPI.  I believe that it is a
natural continuation of singledispatch outlined in PEP 443 and included in
functools 3.4.

For those unaware, dispatching correctly and unambiguously on multiple
inputs is a somewhat more complex problem than on a single input.  I
believe the approach taken in multipledispatch is fairly robust.

I wrote a blogpost about MD a while ago:

The docs pages live here:

And the github page lives here:

Recommendations for improvement welcome.  Thoughts on whether or not this
is appropriate to include in the standard library also welcome.

-Matthew Rocklin
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