[Python-ideas] Optional static typing -- the crossroads

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Fri Aug 15 23:18:11 CEST 2014

On 8/15/2014 5:48 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> On 15 August 2014 19:38, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at udel.edu> wrote:
>> On 8/15/2014 12:40 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>>> On 15 August 2014 09:56, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:
>>>> I don't buy the argument that PEP 3107 promises that annotations are
>>>> completely free of inherent semantics.
>>> It's also worth noting the corresponding bullet point in PEP 3100
>>> (under http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3100/#core-language):
>>> * Add optional declarations for static typing [45] [10] [done]
>> ...
>>> Linters/checkers may also want to provide a configurable way to say
>>> "the presence of decorator <X> means the annotations on that function
>>> aren't type markers". That ties in with the recommendation we added to
>>> PEP 8 a while back: "It is recommended that third party experiments
>>> with annotations use an associated decorator to indicate how the
>>> annotation should be interpreted."

I claim that the mere presence of a decorator in the *source* is not 
enough. The decorator for non-type markers should do something with 
.__annotations__ -- in particular, remove the non-type markers.  The 
presence of a decorator in the source does not necessarily leave a trace 
on the returned function object for runtime detection.

>> Depending on the checker, this suggests that non-type-check annotations need
>> not be deprecated. If a decorator wraps a function with an unannotated
>> wrapper, then the checker should see the result as unannotated, rather than
>> looking for a wrapped attribute. Also, a decorator can remove non-type
>> annotations and act on them, store them in a closure variable, or store them
>> on the function in a different name.

"Depending on the checker" alludes to the fact that there are two types 
of annotation consumers: those that read the source or parsed source 
(ast) and the annotations therein and those that look at the function 
.__annotations__ attribute after compilation.  Inspect.signature is an 
example of the latter. (If there were none, there would be no purpose to 

Suppose an integer square root function were annotated with with type 
and non-type information.

 >>> def nsqrt(n:(int, 'random non-type info'))->(int, 'more non-type 
info'): pass

To me, inspect.signature already assumes that annotations are about 
type, which means that this horse has already left barn. In 3.4.1:

 >>> from inspect import signature as sig
 >>> str(sig(nsqrt))
"(n:(<class 'int'>, 'random non-type info')) -> (<class 'int'>, 'more 
non-type info')"

Typing 'nsqrt(' in Idle and pausing a fraction of a second brings up a 
calltip with the same string (without the outer quotes). To me, having 
random non-type info in the signature and calltip is noise and therefore 
wrong. So I agree that the non-standard annotation should be signaled by 
a decorator *and* suggest that the decorator should remove the 
non-standard annotation, which is easily done, so that the signature 
string for the above would be

"(n:<class 'int') -> <class 'int'>"

I summarized the above, perhaps not the best I could have, with

"Given these possibilities, all that is needs be said is "After a 
function is post-processed by decorators, any remaining annotations 
should be for type-checking or documentation."

> No, many (most?)

The future relative proportion of pre- and post-compile annotation 
consumers is not relevant to my argument. The stdlib already has a 
important post-compile consumer that is already somewhat broken by 
non-type info remaining in .__annotations__.

 > linters and IDEs will run off the AST without
> actually executing the code, so they'll see the annotations, even if
> they get stripped by the decorator at runtime.

Being aware of this, I concluded the post with the following that 
already said this.

"For checkers that do look at the source, or the AST before compiling,"

*and* I went on to suggest a solution.

"the rule could be to ignore string annotations. Decorators can always 
eval, or perhaps safe_eval, strings."

In other words, if type annotations were to be classes, as proposed, 
then non-type annotations should not be classes, so that pre-compile 
annotation consumers could easily ignore them. In particular, I 
suggested literal strings, which are easily recognized in source, as 
well as in asts.

To put this all another way --

The new-in-3.0 annotation feature has two components: a python function 
source syntax, and a function compile behavior of adding a dict 
attribute as .__annotations__.  If I understand correctly, Argument 
Clinic piggybacks on this by adding a mechanism to produce 
.__annotations__ from C source -- mainly for use by .signature, but also 
by another other .__annotations__ users. The two components -- source 
annotations and .__annotations__ dict -- each have their consumers.

Currently, annotation values are untyped (or AnyTyped).  Guido has 
proposed favoring type annotations. I support that and suggest that such 
favoritism is already needed for the annotation dict. So I would 
strengthen the PEP 8 recommendation.

Guido has also suggested 'deprecating' non-type annotations.  That would 
literally mean raising an error either when source is compiled or when 
def statements are executed.  I think deprecation in this sense is both 
unwise, since non-type annotation were explicitly invited, and 
unnecessary for the purpose of favoring type annotations. The point of 
my previous post was to explore what restrictions *are* necessary.  In 
summary, I suggest 1. use distinct syntax (this depends on what is 
adopted for type annotations); 2. decorate (as already suggested in PEP 
8); 3. clean .__annotations__ (which should also be suggested in PEP 8).

Terry Jan Reedy

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