[Python-ideas] Optional static typing -- the crossroads

Andrew Barnert abarnert at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 17 08:02:01 CEST 2014

On Aug 16, 2014, at 22:03, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:

> Moving on to (2), the proposal is elegant enough by itself, and indeed has the advantage of being clear and concise: [T] instead of List[T], {T: U} instead of Dict[T, U], and so on. However, there are a few concerns.
> My first concern is that these expressions are only unambiguous in the context of function annotations.

Good point. Together with your third point (that [str] could be meaningful as a different type of annotation, while Iterable[str] is incredibly unlikely to mean anything other than a static type check--except maybe a runtime type check, but I think it's reasonable to assume they can share annotations), I think this kills the idea. Pity, because I like the way it looked.

> All in all I prefer the mypy syntax, despite being somewhat more verbose and requiring an import, with one caveat: I agree that it would be nicer if the mypy abstract collection types were the same objects as the ABCs exported by collections.abc. I'm not quite sure whether we should also change the concrete collection types from List, Dict, Set, Tuple to list, dict, set, tuple; the concrete types are so ubiquitous that I worry that there may be working code out there that somehow relies on the type objects themselves not being subscriptable.

I won't belabor the point, but again: I don't think we need a generic list type object, and without it, this entire problem--your only remaining problem that isn't a mere stylistic choice--vanishes.

> A mostly unrelated issue: there are two different uses of tuples, and we need a notation for both. One is a tuple of fixed length with heterogeneous, specific types for the elements; for example Tuple[int, float]. But I think we also need a way to indicate that a function expects (or returns) a variable-length tuple with a homogeneous element type. Perhaps we should call this type frozenlist, analogous to frozenset (and it seems there's a proposal for frozendict making the rounds as well).

Even if you drop the idea for [str] and {int: str}, which I agree seems unavoidable, I think it may still make sense for (int, str) to mean a heterogeneous iterable.

Python already has target lists, argument lists, parameter lists, and expression lists that all have the same syntax as tuples or a superset thereof, but don't define tuples. In (a, b) = zip(c, d), neither (a, b) nor (c, d) is a tuple, and I don't think anyone is confused by that. So, why can't def foo(spam: (int, str)) mean that spam is an iterable of an int and a str, in exactly the same way that the assignment statement means that a and b are assigned the result of unpacking the iterable returned by zip when called with c and d?

And this leaves Tuple[str] or tuple[str] free to mean a homogenous tuple (although, again, I don't think we even want or need that...).

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