[Python-ideas] Optional static typing -- the crossroads

Łukasz Langa lukasz at langa.pl
Sun Aug 17 11:41:17 CEST 2014

On Aug 16, 2014, at 10:03 PM, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:

> I'd like to summarize the main issues that have come up. As an experiment, I'm not changing the subject, but I am still not quoting anything in particular. Only two issues (or issue clusters) really seem contentious:
> (1) Should the function annotation syntax (eventually) be reserved for type annotations in a standard syntax? Or can multiple different uses of annotations coexist? And if they can, how should a specific use be indicated? (Also, some questions about compile-time vs. run-time use.)

Consider what Stefan Behnel is proposing: using function annotations for types by default, but in the presence of a dictionary, search for type in the 'type' key. This is very nice, provides a way to be concise if possible, and generic, if needed.

My suggestion: we should support that.

> All in all I prefer the mypy syntax, despite being somewhat more verbose and requiring an import, with one caveat: I agree that it would be nicer if the mypy abstract collection types were the same objects as the ABCs exported by collections.abc.

Good :) If the functionality will be implemented in the ABCs, what is the purpose of the typing module?

My suggestion: if the functionality will be implemented in the ABCs, there's no need to introduce the "typing" module. We can back-port the new ABCs, for sure, but for Python 3.5 `collections` is enough (already has aliases to collections.abc0.

> I'm not quite sure whether we should also change the concrete collection types from List, Dict, Set, Tuple to list, dict, set, tuple; the concrete types are so ubiquitous that I worry that there may be working code out there that somehow relies on the type objects themselves not being subscriptable.

While unlikely, such code can exist in the wild. That being said, I think builtins should support the one-obvious-way-to-do-it syntax for generics, if only for uniformity. Please note that there also can be code in the future that relies on type objects not to support binary-or. We will still need to add this, though, a type union of (int | str) or (str | None) will be a common thing.

My suggestion: add __getitem__ and __or__/__ror__ to both builtins and ABCs.

Steven D'Aprano touches on an interesting point that list[int] will be tempting for users because Iterable[int] is both longer and requires an import. We could extend PEP 8 to talk about typing and how people should think about introducing hints, but I think Steven is generally right: list[int] will sadly win.

The real reason that we'll see list[T] everywhere is that Iterable[str] == str and Sequence[str] == str. Whoever will try and fail to use those abstract types to specify a collection of strings, but *not* a single string, will migrate to using concrete data types. And that's such a common use case!

AFAIK, there is no good workaround at the moment. The solution for that, which we sadly can't implement, would be to make strings non-iterable. 

My suggestion: two new ABCs, let me temporarily call them StrictIterable and StrictSequence. Those would return False for issubclass(str, ...). 
My other suggestion: deprecate iterating over strings (and possibly bytes, too?). I'm not saying "remove", but just officially say "this was a bad idea, don't use it".

> A mostly unrelated issue: there are two different uses of tuples, and we need a notation for both. One is a tuple of fixed length with heterogeneous, specific types for the elements; for example Tuple[int, float]. But I think we also need a way to indicate that a function expects (or returns) a variable-length tuple with a homogeneous element type. Perhaps we should call this type frozenlist, analogous to frozenset (and it seems there's a proposal for frozendict making the rounds as well).

On one hand, not being able to represent variable-length homogeneous tuples in the type hints will be a strong signal that this usage of tuples is disputable. On the other hand, we might *need* to support this to be compatible with existing framework code in the wild. frozenlists would be a nice, explicit solution for that but sadly they'd be a new collection, so no today's code returning/accepting var-length tuples would use that.

My suggestion: tuple[int, ...]
For uniformity, we would also accept this form for other iterables, I suppose.

Best regards,
Łukasz Langa

WWW: http://lukasz.langa.pl/
Twitter: @llanga
IRC: ambv on #python-dev

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