[Python-ideas] Proposal: Use mypy syntax for function annotations

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Sun Aug 24 05:13:30 CEST 2014

On Sun, Aug 24, 2014 at 01:11:34PM +1200, Greg Ewing wrote:
> Georg Brandl wrote:
> >Another thought is whether, assuming
> >
> >   class MyList(list):
> >       ...
> >
> >the type  "MyList[int]"  would do the expected thing.  (And if not,
> >how you would write the correct type generation code.)
> I would expect that to be a error, unless MyList were
> declared as accepting a type parameter, using whatever
> means is decided on for that in the type language.

I don't really understand what you're trying to say here, so I may be 
misinterpreting you. I *think* that you're trying to say that for every 
type in the standard library, and every class created by third parties 
(including subclasses), the author will have to "declare" (in some 
unknown sense) that it can be used for type annotations like MyList[T], 
for some type T.

I expect that will be painful and unnecessary. I expect that if we go 
down this path, somebody will have to add the appropriate code to the 
metaclass of all types (i.e. type itself) so that AnyArbitraryType[spam] 
will do the right thing without the author of AnyArbitraryType needing 
to do any additional work.

This is not entirely uncharted territory. Mypy has blazed the trail for 
us. The way I think Mypy works is that the classes in typing.py return 
themselves when subscripted. The arguments to __getitem__ are ignored 
except during static analysis. Here's the metaclass from Mypy:

class GenericMeta(type):
      """Metaclass for generic classes that support indexing by types."""
      def __getitem__(self, args):
          # Just ignore args; they are for compile-time checks only.
          return self


As I understand it, we are considering two possibilities:

(1) all types are directly usable, so we can say

    def func(param:list[int])->list:

    This will require type to grow a __getitem__ method similar to
    the metaclass above.

(2) Standard library types are not directly usable, you have to go 
    through the typing module, which has wrappers that include the
    __getitem__ metaclass magic:

    from typing import List
    def func(param:List[int])->List:

There are pros and cons to both approaches. 


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