[Python-ideas] Add an introspection API to Executor
Andrew Barnert
abarnert at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 26 05:48:41 CEST 2014
On Monday, August 25, 2014 7:52 PM, Dan O'Reilly <oreilldf at gmail.com> wrote:
>The IntrospectableQueue idea seems reasonable to me. I think I would prefer passing an introspectable (or similar) keyword to the Executor rather than a queue class, though. Adding support for identifying which tasks are active introduces some extra overhead, which I think can reasonably be made optional. If we're going to use a different Queue class to enable introspection, we might as well disable the other stuff that we're doing to make introspection work. It also makes it easier to raise an exception if an API is called that won't work without IntrospectableQueue being used.
Even though this was my suggestion, let me play devil's advocate for a second…
The main reason to use this is for debugging or exploratory programming.
In the debugger, of course, it's not necessary, because you can just break and suspend all the threads while you do what you want. Would it be reasonable to do the same thing outside the debugger, by providing a threading.Thread.suspend API (and of course the pool and executor APIs have a suspend method that suspends all their threads) so you can safely access the queue's internals?
Obviously suspending threads in general is a bad thing to do unless you're a big fan of deadlocks, but for debugging and exploration it seems reasonable; if a program occasionally deadlocks or crashes while you're screwing with its threads to see what happens, well, you were screwing with its threads to see what happens…
That might be a horrible attractive nuisance, but if you required an extra flag to be passed in at construction time to make these methods available, and documented that it was unsafe and potentially inefficient, it might be acceptable.
On the other hand, it's hard to think of a case where this is a good answer but "just run it in the debugger" isn't a better answer…
>>> Does Jython have to use a mutex and a deque instead of a more efficient (and possibly lock-free) queue from the Java stdlib?
>For what it's worth, Jython just uses CPython's queue.Queue implementation, as far as I can tell.
Now that I think about it, that makes sense; if I really need a lock-free thread pool and queue in Jython, I'm probably going to use the native Java executors, not the Python ones, right?
>>> What does multiprocessing.Queue do on each implementation?
>In addition to a multiprocessing.Queue, the ProcessPoolExecutor maintains a dict of all submitted work items, so that can be used instead of trying to inspect the queue itself.
Interesting. This implies that supplying an inspectable queue class may not be the best answer here; instead, we could have an option for an inspectable work dict, which would just expose the existing one for ProcessPoolExecutor, while it would make ThreadPoolExecutor maintain an equivalent dict as a thread-local in the launching thread. (I'm assuming you only need to inspect the jobs from the launching process/thread here… I'm not sure if that's sufficient for the OP's intended use or not.)
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