[Python-ideas] A service to crawl +1s and URLs out of mailman archives

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Tue Dec 2 20:32:16 CET 2014

On Dec 02, 2014, at 04:53 AM, Wes Turner wrote:

>Are the Python mailman instances upgraded to Mailman 3, with the Django GUI?

No, but we know there are people using it in production.  I expect we'll get
another beta before the end of the year and then I think it's time to start
planning an experimental deployment on pdo.  We have a few experimental lists
on mpo that we can convert and start playing with.

>Is there any way to recognize a Lightweight Markup Language doctype
>declaration, in email?

Maybe a Content-Type?  But can you elaborate one what you're thinking about?


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