[Python-ideas] functools.lru_cache manual cache modification

Ethan Furman ethan at stoneleaf.us
Wed Dec 3 23:57:13 CET 2014

On 12/03/2014 02:41 PM, Constantin Berhard wrote:
> On 03.12.2014 23:33, Ethan Furman wrote:
>> I think you are missing the point:  the internals are not going be made public; you need to write your own custom lru_cache.
> I don't need or want an lru_cache. I want people, who want to use my
> library, to be able to use the standard functools together with my lib.
> So I want to become compatible with lru_cache.

How would your library know an lru_cache was being used?  Can you provide an example of what the code looked like if you
had what you needed?


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