[Python-ideas] python on mobile

Fetchinson . fetchinson at googlemail.com
Tue Dec 30 20:53:12 CET 2014

>> Something that doesn't hinge on the specifics: perhaps it would make
>> sense to set up a "mobile-sig at python.org" mailing list?
>> It would presumably be Mailman 2 to start off with, but would then
>> migrate
>> to Mailman 3 & HyperKitty along with the rest of the python.org lists
>> (hopefully some time in 2015, although we don't have a concrete plan for
>> that as yet).
> Sure - if it's not too much effort to establish.
> I'm not sure exactly what would be discussed there, especially in the short
> term when the big ticket item is getting the patches into the main Python
> tree.

I'd think the core devs would be far more likely to include a patch if
it comes with a big red note on it saying "it was discussed on
mobile-sig and was blessed by all participants" as opposed to a random
patch by a random person.


> However, mobile is a significant platform these days, and it can't
> hurt to have a place where the various players can co-ordinate and
> collaborate where possible.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)

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