[Python-ideas] We don't know each other's challenges (was Re: Iterative development)

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Sat Feb 1 10:07:03 CET 2014

On 1 February 2014 03:42, Chris Angelico <rosuav at gmail.com> wrote:
> I wouldn't withdraw my comment, because I still stand by it. If you
> genuinely meant no specifics, then when someone pointed out how they
> interpreted your statement, you would have apologized and made a
> correction: "I didn't mean anyone in particular, I meant the way
> there've been 50 issues reopened unnecessarily by 30 different people
> lately", or something. But that wouldn't be true, would it? You really
> did mean Anatoly, and that's why you said what you did. Believe you
> me, I know more than you think I do. Think of Emma from "Once Upon A
> Time" if you like - a strong ability to detect lying, based on a
> metric ton of experience with it.

Chris, while Mark's behaviour has been out of line recently, that
isn't anywhere near adequate justification for suggesting (even by
implication) that another list participant is lying about their health
status or their motives. It is impossible to diagnose *anyone*
accurately over the internet - we can only give them the benefit of
the doubt, take their word for it, and judge the outcome by whether
they appear to be making genuine efforts to improve their behaviour,
rather than assuming that everyone is starting from an identical
baseline of expectations and capabilities in relation to civil
discourse (especially once cultural variations are taken into

Mark hasn't been trying to use his diagnosis as a get out of jail free
card - he has been working with other members of the community on his
coping strategies for dealing with mailing list discussions, and
curbing his impulse to respond to poorly thought out ideas with
unconstructive sarcasm.

Now, I suggested to Mark that he consider asking the moderators to set
his moderator flag for the time being, but he has instead chosen to
step away from the core development lists entirely.

While we *do* try to be inclusive of everyone, the thing that *will*
get someone moderated, suspended and perhaps eventually banned
entirely, is a consistent *pattern* of inappropriate behaviour, with
no indication of genuine attempts to eliminate that behaviour (or even
to understand why it is inappropriate).

So if something seems out of line, *please* contact the list
moderators (via python-ideas-owner at python.org), rather than
retaliating directly on the list. If replying directly on the list,
please try to assume temporary stress rather than persistent malice or
obstinance on the part of the other poster in the absence of an
extended history of interacting with them.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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