[Python-ideas] int()

Geoffrey Spear geoffspear at gmail.com
Tue Feb 11 20:21:30 CET 2014

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 1:38 PM, Liam Marsh <liam.marsh.home at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> do you think it is possible to operate with bytes like with ints?
> useing the fact than
> ord('A')==65 ;
> will it possible to use b'A' like 65 or 00100001, in binary, for example for
> encryption of files, etc...
> thank you.

What idea are you proposing here? You can already call ord() on the
single byte or iterate a bytes object to get integer values. Being
able to treat b"A" itself as identical to the int 65, if that's what
you're suggesting, doesn't really make sense.

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