[Python-ideas] except expression

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Fri Feb 14 10:30:16 CET 2014

Am 14.02.2014 08:41, schrieb spir:
> On 02/13/2014 11:25 PM, Greg Ewing wrote:
>> spir wrote:
>>> [By the way, this shows that:
>>>     x = b if cond else a
>>> should really be:
>>>     x = a else b if cond
>>> The difference being that the standard case is expressed first, the
>>> exceptional one being then introduced as an special variant.]
>> I don't think it shows that at all. Which is the normal
>> case and which is the exceptional one depends entirely
>> on how the condition is expressed.
> Say it differently: the condition should single out the special case, not the 
> normal one;

And that is also just your opinion.


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