[Python-ideas] except expression
Rob Cliffe
rob.cliffe at btinternet.com
Fri Feb 14 13:33:09 CET 2014
I propose the syntax
x = try entries[0] except IndexError: None
(1) Similar to the current try ... except syntax, so meaning immediately
(2) Allows all the current (and future??) syntax of except clauses:
x = try get_it() except IOError as e: e.errno
x = try get_it() except (OSError, IOError): None
x = try entries[0] except NameError: ProgramError[1] except
IndexError: None
(3) Unambiguous: in the last example the second "except" traps an
IndexError that occurs during the evaluation of "entries[0]", not during
the evaluation of "ProgramError[1]" (the latter would be written with a
second "try" before "ProgramError[1], not that I would recommend doing
it). An "except" refers to the expression following the nearest
preceding "try". I.e. there is no "dangling except" problem.
(4) Straightforward to parse. The leading "try" immediately tells the
parser what to expect. And the "except"s and colons are unambiguous
delimiters. Ditto for a human reader.
(5) No new keyword, or strained use of an existing keyword, needed.
It would be illegal to have a "try" expression without at least one
"except", just as is it currently illegal to have a "try" statement
without at least one "except" or "finally".
Rob Cliffe
On 13/02/2014 23:37, Greg Ewing wrote:
> Amber Yust wrote:
>> Actually. What if we just reused 'try'?
>> foo = bar() except BazException try 'qux'
> This suggests that trying 'qux' may somehow fail to work,
> which is not the intended meaning at all.
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