[Python-ideas] except expression

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Sun Feb 16 00:28:28 CET 2014

Philipp A. wrote:
> hmm i still don’t like the colon. everywhere else in python, it means 
> “new block follows”

No, it doesn't. There are at least two existing exceptions,
lambdas and slice expressions.

> and i’m sure nobody here wants to allow the following?
> |value = hovercraft() except EelsException:
>    remove_eels()
>    no_eels  #this is assigned to “value” if we have too many eels
> neither should we introduce a colon that /can’t/ be followed by a block.

I don't think anyone is suggesting that. The colons in lambdas
and slice expressions can't be followed by blocks either,
and nobody seems to have difficulty with that.


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