[Python-ideas] except expression

Rob Cliffe rob.cliffe at btinternet.com
Wed Feb 19 19:56:52 CET 2014

On 18/02/2014 20:55, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 3:06 AM, Chris Angelico <rosuav at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm currently working on finding a bunch of examples from the stdlib
>> that could be translated. Will post them once I get the script sorted
>> out. As it's currently 3AM, though, that means I need to fry up some
>> bacon or something before I continue :)
> Alright, results are in.
> Script:
> https://github.com/Rosuav/ExceptExpr/blob/master/find_except_expr.py
> Output:
> https://github.com/Rosuav/ExceptExpr/blob/master/candidates.txt
> Annotated examples:
> https://github.com/Rosuav/ExceptExpr/blob/master/examples.py
I've gone through a very small code base of my own to collect some 
Ignoring duplication where a section of code was copied from one program 
to another,
there were approximately:
     15 instances where the new syntax could naturally be used, roughly 
half were variable assignment, the rest were "return" statements.
     Of these I judged there were 9 where the new form was short enough 
or at least readable enough to be a clear improvement.
     The other 6 were long and complicated enough to be fairly 
indigestible using either the old or the new syntax.

I also found, although I wasn't originally looking for them:
   - 2 instances where there was a temptation to abuse the new syntax:
             var = expr except Exception1: ShutDownProgram()
   - 8 instances where I wanted to do an operation and ignore certain 
exceptions, this sort of thing:
             except ValueError:
        and found I wanted the syntax "dosomething() except ValueError: 
        Under the current proposal this could be achieved by 
"dosomething() except ValueError: None", but this does not read as 
    - 13 instances where I wanted to do something that could _not_ be 
written as an expression and ignore errors, broken down as follows:
         5 where I wanted to assign an expression value to a variable 
but only if evaluating the expression did not raise an error (if it did 
raise an error I wanted to leave the
variable untouched)
         1 where I wanted to return the value of an expression, but do 
nothing (NOT return) if evaluating the expression raised an error.
         7 of the form "del x[y] except IndexError: pass" (so to speak)

So is there a case for extending the syntax to allow
     expr except <exception-list>: pass
where the expression is used stand-alone (i.e. its value is thrown 
away).  "pass" could be semantically equivalent to "None" (re the 
interactive interpreter).

Or even for allowing "except <exception-list>: pass" after other 
statements such as "del"?

Overall there were 6 instances of an exception list more complicated 
than a single exception name.
There were none of "except Exception1 as ...".  So now I am willing to 
go along with dropping "as" from the PEP; it is something that could 
always be added later.

Best wishes
Rob Cliffe


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