[Python-ideas] Syntax for passing lambdas to functions

Antony Lee antony.lee at berkeley.edu
Thu Feb 27 19:27:19 CET 2014

Now that someone mentioned dispatch tables, another possibility would be to
support assignment to tables and monkey-patching directly, with a syntax

def obj.method(*args): ... # __name__ = "method" (the attribute name)
def table[key](*args): ... # __name__ = ??? (perhaps "table[key]"?)
(and also any other "lvalue".)


2014-02-27 7:05 GMT-08:00 Ron Adam <ron3200 at gmail.com>:

> On 02/27/2014 04:17 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>>  > For what it's worth, the following *could* be made to work:
>>  >
>>  >    spam() = fire_the_ducks(42)
>>  >    f(onclick = spam)
>> Let's talk about that for a moment. It would be a matter of making this:
>> syntactic sugar for this:
>>      def NAME(ARGSPEC): return EXPR
>> Not what you would call a big win.
> A good potential use of lambda is in constructing a dispatch table from a
> dictionary litteral or constructor.
>       select = {key1:callable, key2:callable, ...}
>       result = select[k]()
>       select = dict(key1=callable, key2=callable, ...)
>       result = select[k]()
> And there is also the case of it working in a ternary if...
>       result = (callable if k else callable)() #k is True or False
> I think these are good test cases for evaluating usability and
> readability.  It would be nice if it worked well for each of these.
> Cheers,
>    Ron
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