[Python-ideas] a new bytestring type?

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Mon Jan 6 18:14:07 CET 2014

Geert Jansen writes:

 > One use case I came across was when creating chunks for the HTTP
 > chunked encoding. Chunks contain a ascii header, a raw/encoded chunk
 > body, and an ascii trailer. Using a bytes.format, it would look like
 > this:
 >   chunk = '{0:X}\r\n{1}\r\n'.format(len(buf), buf)

You forgot the b prefix.

 > This is what I am using now:
 >   chunk = bytearray()
 >   chunk.extend('{0:X}\r\n'.format(len(buf)).encode('ascii'))
 >   chunk.extend(buf)
 >   chunk.extend('\r\n'.encode('ascii'))

Either of those is a big win compared to this?

    # OK, we'd want efficient definition of a bunch of these,
    # which is a cost.
    def itox (n):
        return '{0:X}'.format(n).encode('ascii')

    chunk = b'\r\n'.join([itox(len(buf)), buf, b''])

But see my response to Andrew, also.

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