[Python-ideas] from __past__ import division, str, etc

Amber Yust amber.yust at gmail.com
Thu Jan 9 02:19:30 CET 2014

Also note that even if publicly visible projects are outnumbered by private
projects, the public projects tend to have a much larger impact on the
overall ecosystem, because they're used by many entities (whereas private
projects are typically only used by a single entity given their nature).
On Jan 8, 2014 5:13 PM, "Alejandro López Correa" <alc at spika.net> wrote:

> 2014/1/9 Chris Angelico <rosuav at gmail.com>:
> > On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 10:34 AM, Alejandro López Correa <alc at spika.net>
> wrote:
> >> 2014/1/8 Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info>:
> >
> > But what IS a good metric? How are you going to measure any of that?
> > It's better to at least use PyPI stats than to pull numbers out of a
> > hat.
> >
> The problem I see is that metric might be equal or worse than just
> guessing because it is clearly biased: it focuses on open source
> projects hosted on PyPI. It is easy to measure it, but maybe it is not
> good to do so if that measure is used to make important decisions. In
> my [very limited] experience, the number of open source projects pales
> in comparison to that of projects kept "in the shadows".
> > Maybe. But how much temptation would it need to be to induce a
> > complete rewrite? (Mind you, it's not always a *complete* rewrite.
> > I've been "porting" code from Win32 C++ to GTK Pike, and in the
> > process usually shortened it by 50% or better, but mostly what I'm
> > doing is reading the old code, taking maybe a few bits of it that are
> > so simple they'd be the same in nearly any language, and
> > reimplementing the original logic.) The expanded gap between Python
> > 2.7 and Python 3.7 is mainly going to be features of 3.7 that you
> > could choose to use now that you've ported, rather than mandatory
> > changes. Python doesn't arbitrarily drop features or break stuff in
> > minor releases. That means the gap between 2.7 and 3.7 will still be
> > far FAR narrower than the gap between Python and Ruby - so,
> > correspondingly, the temptation to switch to Ruby would have to be
> > really strong. In the porting case I mentioned a moment ago, there
> > really was a very strong temptation (using Win32 APIs meant I was
> > bound to Windows (though Wine is a wonderful thing), and the C++ code
> > was going through stupid levels of overhead to manage memory and
> > such), so it was worth switching. I was NOT able to convince my boss
> > to switch our web site from PHP into Python, because he just couldn't
> > see enough benefit from changing language - but moving to a new PHP
> > was a much lower hump to get over. (Only a few things needed
> > changing.)
> Fair enough. I think it is a good argument.
> Alejandro
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