[Python-ideas] Making PyStructSequence expose _fields (was Re: namedtuple base class)

Andrew Barnert abarnert at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 13 01:17:20 CET 2014

I don't think the proposed NamedTuple ABC adds anything on top of duck typing on _fields (or on whichever other method you need, and possibly checking for Sequence). As Raymond Hettinger summarized it nicely, namedtuple is a protocol, not a type.

But I think one of the ideas that came out of that discussion is worth pursuing on its own: giving a _fields member to every structseq type.

Most of the namedtuple-like classes in the builtins/stdlib, like os.stat_result, are implemented with PyStructSequence. Since 3.3, that's been a public, documented protocol. A structseq type is already a tuple. And it stores all the information needed to expose the fields to Python, it just doesn't expose them in any way. And making it do so is easy. (Either add it to the type __dict__ at type creation, or add a getter that generates it on the fly from tp_members.)

Of course a structseq can do more than a namedtuple. In particular, using a structseq via its _fields would mean that you miss its "non-sequence" fields, like st_mtime_ns. But then that's already true for using a structseq as a sequence, or just looking at its repr, so I don't think that's a problem. (The "visible fields" are visible for a reason…)

And this still wouldn't mean that _fields is part of the "named tuple protocol" described in the glossary, just that it's part of structseq types as well as collections.namedtuple types.

And this wouldn't give structseq an on-demand __dict__ so you can just call var(s) instead of OrderedDict(zip(s._fields, s)).

Still, it seems like a clear win. A small patch, a bit of extra storage on each structseq type object (not on the instances), and now you can reflect on the most common kind of C named tuple types the same way you do on the most common kind of Python named tuple types.

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