[Python-ideas] Create Python 2.8 as a transition step to Python 3.x

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Sat Jan 18 06:24:33 CET 2014

On 1/17/2014 10:22 PM, Neil Schemenauer wrote:
> The transition to Python 3 is happening but there is still a massive
> amount of code that needs to be ported.

For application code, why does it need to be ported.

>  One of the most disruptive
> changes in Python 3 is the strict separation of bytes from unicode
> strings.  Most of the other incompatible changes can be handled by
> 2to3.

For many application areas, the text problem seems to have been somewhat 
solved, to the point where people are writing 2&3 code successfully.

> Here is a far out idea to make transition smoother.   Release version
> 2.8 of Python with nearly all Python 3.x incompatible changes except
> for the bytes/unicode changes.

Various people have suggested versions of this idea. At one time, I 
could imagine it, even after PEP404. But a 2.8 project should have 
started soon after 2.7 was released with 2.8 released soon after 3.3 or 
certainly now with 3.4. I think it too late now.

>  This could include:

I believe you left out the int division change.

> Problems with this idea:

People who cannot move to 3.x because of libraries could not move to 2.8 
for the same reason. Over half of the most commonly downloaded libraries 
already have 3.x versions.

Major linux distributions are already in the process of switching to 3.x 
as default Python.

> - it would be a huge amount of work.

Yes, and the current volunteer pydev group will not do it. So this is 
literally the wrong forum. Martijn Faassen posted the following on 
python-list on the 6th.
I've started an informal channel "#python2.8" on freenode. It's to 
discuss the potential for a Python 2.8 version -- to see whether there 
is interest in it, what it could contain, how it could facilitate 
porting to Python 3, who would work on it, etc. If you are interested in 
constructive discussion about a Python 2.8, please join.

I realize that if there is actual code created, and if it's not under 
the umbrella of the PSF, it couldn't be called "Python 2.8" due to 
trademark reasons. But that's premature - let's have some discussions 
first to see whether anything can happen.
>  There are thousands of
>    commits to Python 3.x since it was branched.  Most of them are not
>    related to the above features but back porting them would still be
>    a huge effort.  I tried backport 'print' as a function just to get
>    an idea of the work.

You are unusual. Many 2.8 advocates want it handed to them for free.

Terry Jan Reedy

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