[Python-ideas] Tail recursion elimination

Joao S. O. Bueno jsbueno at python.org.br
Sat Jan 18 16:08:38 CET 2014

You can use tail recursion elimination in Python as it is today.

So, if you are needing that, just package this reference implementation
in a module:-



On 18 January 2014 12:52,  <musicdenotation at gmail.com> wrote:
> On April 22, 2009, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> First, as one commenter remarked, TRE is incompatible with nice stack
> traces: when a tail recursion is eliminated, there's no stack frame left to
> use to print a traceback when something goes wrong later. This will confuse
> users who inadvertently wrote something recursive (the recursion isn't
> obvious in the stack trace printed), and makes debugging hard. Providing an
> option to disable TRE seems wrong to me: Python's default is and should
> always be to be maximally helpful for debugging.
> What are "nice" stack traces? If you mean stack traces that record every
> function call then it is not nice and helpful at all given their length. Do
> loops have nice stack traces as you mean it? No. When something goes wrong
> in a loop, you don't get to see every iteration in the stack trace. You
> debug loops by examining the values of variables in the iteration it goes
> wrong. Likewise you debug a tail recursive function by examining the
> arguments that went into the function call that blows up. And if you don't
> want to turn on TRE by default, you can turn it off and offer an option to
> enable.
> Second, the idea that TRE is merely an optimization, which each Python
> implementation can choose to implement or not, is wrong. Once tail recursion
> elimination exists, developers will start writing code that depends on it,
> and their code won't run on implementations that don't provide it: a typical
> Python implementation allows 1000 recursions, which is plenty for
> non-recursively written code and for code that recurses to traverse, for
> example, a typical parse tree, but not enough for a recursively written loop
> over a large list.
> Yes, it is more of a language feature than an implementation feature. But
> once CPython implements it, I think other implementations will follow suit
> or Python developers will not write code that uses TRE just like JavaScript
> developers don't use Mozilla-specific extensions like let keyword.
> Third, I don't believe in recursion as the basis of all programming. This is
> a fundamental belief of certain computer scientists, especially those who
> love Scheme and like to teach programming by starting with a "cons" cell and
> recursion. But to me, seeing recursion as the basis of everything else is
> just a nice theoretical approach to fundamental mathematics (turtles all the
> way down), not a day-to-day tool.
> This isn't a valid argument. That something isn't fundamental is almost
> never an argument to leave it out. (Except for Scheme.)
> Of course, none of this does anything to address my first three arguments.
> Is it really such a big deal to rewrite your function to use a loop? (After
> all TRE only addresses recursion that can easily be replaced by a loop. :-)
> It isn't a big deal, yes. But why restrict programmers? Python is a
> multi-paradigm language anyway: you can write imperative or functional code
> with(out) object orientation. "There should be one – and only one – obvious
> way to do it"? You are misinterpreting it. It is about having only one
> obvious way to do things, but you have removed another obvious way to do
> certain things because certain problems are better expressed using recursion
> rather than looping (traversing a tree, for example). I think the most
> obvious way to do something is how it is defined. If there was really one
> way to do anything, there should be no for-loops, list comprehensions, or
> even object orientation at all in Python. Remember that recursion is either
> something lower- or higher-level than looping. And if you don't like
> abstractions over primitive concepts, you should be coding in machine code
> right now.
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