[Python-ideas] Predicate Sets
David Mertz
mertz at gnosis.cx
Tue Jan 21 19:39:20 CET 2014
Isn't that exactly what I suggested up-thread with my suggested small
library of combinators? E.g.:
def allP(*fns):
return lambda x: all(f(x) for f in fns)
I like encapsulating it better since it encourages naming such combined
functions, e.g.:
this_and_that = allP((this, that))
I feel like that encourages reuse and readability when one later wants to
set_with_predicate = {x for x in baseset if this_and_that(x)}
if this_and_that(x): ...
On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 1:09 AM, Serhiy Storchaka <storchaka at gmail.com>wrote:
> 21.01.14 10:58, Haoyi Li написав(ла):
>> > *all(map(list_of_filters, value))*
>> Scratch that, what I actually want is
>> *all(map(lambda f: f(value), list_of_filters))*
>> *
>> *
>> I always mix up the order of things going into *map* =(*
>> *
> all(f(value) for f in list_of_filters)
> looks cleaner to me.
> Perhaps slightly more efficient (but much less readable) form:
> all(map(operator.methodcaller('__call__', value), list_of_filters)
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