[Python-ideas] Expose `itertools.count.start` and implement `itertools.count.__eq__` based on it, like `range`.

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Sun Jun 8 04:12:04 CEST 2014

On 6/7/2014 4:33 PM, Antony Lee wrote:
> I agree that "range(start=x)" is awkward due to the unusual argument
> handling of "range", and you are also correct that I should have said
> "an iterable for which iter(range(x, None, step)) behaves as count(n,
> step)".

> I don't see an issue with len and negative indexing raising ValueError
> and IndexError, respectively.  After all, a negative index on an
> infinite sequence is just as undefined.

The issue is doing that with range, which is defined to a sequence, and 
is registered as a collections.abc.Sequence. Break the promise of that 
definition, break code, people scream. Many functions properly require a 
sequence rather than just any iterable.

from collections.abc import Sequence
def cross(seq):
     if not issubclass(seq, Sequence):
         raise TypeError("%x is not a collections.abc.Sequence" % type(seq))
     for first in seq:
         for second in seq:
             yield (first, second)

There is another issue with merely extending range -- its weird 
signature. Range(10) stops at 10; count(10) begins at 10. The signature 
of an iterable based on count should be based on count, not range.

Semi-infinite-sequence could be a well-defined category of classes. But 
it should start outside of the stdlib.  It could be fun, and have niche 
uses, like teaching.  But like Nick, I am dubious that it would add 
enough to beyond having infinite iterators to warrant being in the 
stdlib.  In any case, that would need to be proven with field experience.

Terry Jan Reedy

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