[Python-ideas] A General Outline for Just-in-Time Acceleration of Python

Chris Angelico rosuav at gmail.com
Mon Jun 16 09:38:32 CEST 2014

On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 5:34 PM, Stefan Behnel <stefan_ml at behnel.de> wrote:
> Chris Angelico, 16.06.2014 09:15:
>> Syntactically valid, yes. Is there a dummy decorator class
>> cython.locals for the case where it's running under Python?
> Wouldn't make much sense otherwise, would it? :)
> https://github.com/cython/cython/blob/master/Cython/Shadow.py

Heh, I kinda figured it'd have to exist. Incidentally, I flipped
through that source file and didn't see it - had to actually search
before I found this tiny two-line function that does the job.
Naturally I assumed I was looking for a class, but a function that
returns an identity function of course does just as well.


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