[Python-ideas] Really support custom types for global namespace

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Thu Jun 19 23:21:10 CEST 2014

2014-06-18 13:25 GMT+02:00 Robert Lehmann <mail at robertlehmann.de>:
> I have a patch (+ tests) to the current default branch straightening out
> this asymmetry and will happily open a ticket if you think this is indeed a
> bug.


I'm the author of the change allowing custom types for builtins. I
wrote it for my pysandbox project (now abandonned, the sandbox is
broken by design!).

I'm interested to support custom types for globals and locals. It may
require deep changes in ceval.c, builtin functions, frames, etc.

In short, only the dict type is supported for globals and locals.
Using another types for builtins is also experimental. Don't do that
at home :-)


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