[Python-ideas] A python bridge between versions

ian o ian.team.python at gmail.com
Sat Mar 1 09:03:05 CET 2014

> Ian, please keep in mind that you are asking people to do extra work 
> for you *for free*, after you have already been benefiting for years 
> from work that we already made available to you free of charge. The 
> latter part is OK, and entirely the way non-commercial open source 
> works, but it *does* mean that you *don't* get to tell the core 
> development team our priorities are wrong when you haven't paid us a 
> cent.


Why are you so aggressive?  
No one is trying to 'tell' people to do something.

I was proposing an idea here. I thought it was a relevant useful idea, so i 
have been arguing the case that idea is useful. Others argue the case that 
it is not useful and to me this is a constructive way to share ideas, hear 
other points of view so they can be considered.

For commercial purposes you have managed to convince me I should cease to 
lobby for python to be used in the projects where I assist. Obviously 
commercial use is clearly not desired by the community, that is the first 
lesson i have learned.  As I am not paid to champion python in the work 
environment, having been enlightened that python community does not desire 
commercial usage, I will cease.  

I came this forum hoping to contribute.  I do not get paid to post here, 
nor will python being used in projects where i am involved generate a 
financial outcome for me.  I simply feel a passion for the language and 
have been supporting the use of python in education and it helps push case 
for students learning python when there is also commercial usage.

Is educational usage also to be discouraged?

So now I am being told that not only are commercial users not to be 
encouraged, but also opinions and ideas of those who have been involved in 
commercial projects are not welcome.

Disappointing.  If a welcome as a result of a debate it was agreed that the 
approach I feel will help both library module developers and end users and 
was worth supporting but the community then the decision question would 
come as to who would donate time to implementation.  While i would get no 
commercial benefit and do not have a lot time i would have tried to help.  
I think the idea has merit.  But what is the point?  It seems even debate 
on desirability of the idea in your opinion is not to be encouraged.  From 
others I get the sense of community.  But from you I get the sense of a 
closed club.


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