[Python-ideas] Another way to avoid clumsy lambdas, while adding new functionality

Cameron Simpson cs at zip.com.au
Wed Mar 5 02:46:11 CET 2014

On 04Mar2014 17:23, David Mertz <mertz at gnosis.cx> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 4:06 PM, Cameron Simpson <cs at zip.com.au> wrote:
> > On 04Mar2014 17:57, Ryan Gonzalez <rymg19 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Only problem is that it looks a tad perlish...Of shellish.
> >
> > But worse, does nothing even remotely loke what that does in perl
> > or shell (or basic or...).
> I think I could be +0 for a bit different spelling that *is* actually
> shell-ish.  I.e. as a way to handle snippets, this doesn't seem so bad:
>   foo = 1
>   a = $(foo + 1)

Definitely nicer. Still irrationally uncomfortable about the "$" though.

A thought, though it could break existing code (and nested tuples, alas):

    a = (( foo + 1 ))

Still, what does this mean?

    a = 3 + (( foo + 1 ))

I think that would need to be a syntax error, because I can't see it being
anything except nonsense otherwise.

That makes me think the (()) or $() is in the wrong place. Maybe:

    a := foo + 1

Hmm. hasn't that one already come up?

>   b = eval(a) * 6

This makes me unhappy. Eval parses a string and runs it, currently.
I would _want_ to read that as "compute a, then eval() the result".

I would prefer the occurence of "a" in an expression to cause it
to be evaluated then, much as happens already. It does mean that
there would be "silent" evaluation bombs lurking in expressions.
For example, given a doubly linked list (to make the "reference"
stuff glaring):

    node.right = node2
    node2.left = node

If node or node2 were thunks, this would be surprising to the reader.
Of course, we can surprise the reader already with __getattr__ etc.

But I think it would be better if:

    b = a

just made "b" a reference to the same thunk as "a".

Since I'm cavilling about "eval", how about just treating thunks
like other functions (which is how we spell code to be run later
presently) and have them be callables. So your "b = eval(a) * 6"
would just be:

    b = a() * 6

That way it is glaringly obvious that "a" happens now, rather than

Cameron Simpson <cs at zip.com.au>

Disease and deprivation stalk the land like two giant....   stalking things.
        - Rowan Atkinson, _Black Adder the Third_

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