[Python-ideas] Please reconsider the Boolean evaluation of midnight

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Thu Mar 6 20:32:43 CET 2014

On 3/6/2014 4:52 AM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:

> It is not a coincidence, IMO, that the three persons arguing that the
> current behaviour is reasonable are implementors of datetime modules:
> you, Tim and Alexander. All other people find the behaviour baffling.

Wrong. I don't. What I find baffling and annoying is the endlessly 
repeated false claim that there is nothing special about midnight, as if 
a thousands repetitions will change the fact. Ditto for the claim that 
there is nothing problematical about using 'a' as a substitute for 'a is 
not None'.

Surely you know that the subset of people who pay attention to an 
endless drumbeat thread like this is severely biased.

Terry Jan Reedy

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