[Python-ideas] Python Numbers as Human Concept Decimal System

Mark H. Harris harrismh777 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 7 05:17:33 CET 2014

On Thursday, March 6, 2014 9:12:32 PM UTC-6, Ben Finney wrote:

> But beware that even there, complaints about how Python behaves aren't
> going to be well received if you show a wilful ignorance of that
> behaviour. Mere ignorance is fine, of course: we all start out ignorant
> of any given topic. But wilful ignorance isn't a good foundation for
> expecting change. 
       Ben,  excuse me,  but you are out of line here.  I have not shown 
will full ignorance in any of this discussion (None).  I am not ignorant of 
the system, nor am I ignorant of the underlying caveats. I have studied
here, and I have a pretty good handle on how things are working. When
I have been confused I asked questions, read, experimented, and researched.
I will not have it here said that I have displayed will full ignorance, nor 
anyone believe it.
       I have a good understanding of why it is... I just don't like why it 
is... those
are two very different things. I am fully aware of the issues created by 
IEEE 754 1985 floats and doubles. This is 2014. I would expect that python
would be using IEEE 754 2008 not only for specification, but also for moving
towards decimal floating point arithmetic by default. Continuing to stick 
a 1985 standard, or even an IEEE 854 1987 standard, is putting all python
communities behind the eight ball going forward into the 21st Century. This 
not will full ignorance. Its eyes-wide-open thoroughly knowledgable concern
with a genuine "will" to see the right thing done... because its the right 
thing to do.


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