[Python-ideas] Python Numbers as Human Concept Decimal System

Mark H. Harris harrismh777 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 7 07:24:47 CET 2014

On Thursday, March 6, 2014 11:30:47 PM UTC-6, Andrew Barnert wrote:
>        I answered Guido's questions in hopes that he might be willing to 
> dialogue --- not dismiss.
> He was willing to dialogue, as evidenced by his initial replies. It was 
> only after you demonstrated your ignorance of basics fundamentals of Python 
> (as a user, not even about its implementation) and math/numerics, and 
> implied that you had no interest in correcting that ignorance, that he 
> dismissed you. And he has every right to do so. He's the one donating his 
> free time to make a great language for you (and many others) to use, not 
> the other way around.

    Andrew,  I demonstrated no such thing.   This is the second time you 
have accused me
of being ignorant of basics and fundamentals.  My answers in no way 
(implied or otherwise)
ignorant, they were well defined, carefully articulated, and implied an 
ernest  interest in understanding
and cooperation.  Your *ad hominem* comments about my so-called ignorance 
do not become you
and are beginning to annoy me...   I don't see any reason for it. 

    I know how the system works... and I think it can be improved.  My 
ideas are unpopular, I realize that,
but that does not mean that I am ignorant, nor does it mean that I don't 
understand python fundamentals.
I had a professor one time who told us, "You know when you have won the 
argument when they 
attack you personally  (or call you names)". 

    Why don't we keep the discussion on the details relevant to the topic 
and leave the personal attacks 

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