[Python-ideas] Please reconsider the Boolean evaluation of midnight

Ethan Furman ethan at stoneleaf.us
Fri Mar 7 19:07:19 CET 2014

On 03/05/2014 10:23 AM, Mark Lawrence wrote:
> On 05/03/2014 18:12, Amber Yust wrote:
>> I think this is the wrong stage to evaluate cost. After all, one of the
>> tenets of open source is that the core devs don't have to be the source
>> of all change.
> But the core devs have to review the change and ultimately decide whether
> or not to commit it.  In this case it looks as if a patch would not be
>  accepted, so why keep going on about it, especially when there's a known
>  work around?

The point of discussion is to find out what all the issues are, not to give up with "oh well, the core devs aren't going 
to accept it anyway..."


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