[Python-ideas] Python Numbers as Human Concept Decimal System

Mark H. Harris harrismh777 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 8 00:39:59 CET 2014

On Friday, March 7, 2014 3:24:06 PM UTC-6, Andrew Barnert wrote:

> The decision was discussed at the time, and all the pros and cons were 
> hashed out. If you're not willing to read that discussion, your opinion 
> that the change was a mistake is worth exactly as much as that of any 
> individual user who asked for the change.
> hi Andrew,  I am satisfied that the problem is well understood and that we 
no longer 
need to discuss the root cause, nor the computer science of trying to 
numbers in memory that are not representable. I admire you guys too much to 
going with the previous discussion.  I am completely satisfied with Guido's 
answer (thank you, by the way), and I look forward to seeing how the 
will address the main issue.

In response to your statement quoted above, I would like to suggest seeing 
if there
might be any way you could think of wording that, in future dialogue?

The response quoted above is not only another *ad hominem* attack, it is 
also a
straw man attack.  Your presumption that I am unwilling to read the 
archive is unfounded and faulty thinking. In fact, I began a thorough 
attempt to 
understand the previous discussion as soon as I discovered the need through 
Steven's revelation last evening. In fact, I am very interested in the 
which led to the decision in question. I not only find it interesting 
I also am interested in who was involved and how they were thinking at the 
time.  Of course none of that changes my opinion at this time that the 
was not correct.   I don't fully know yet, but I think it was made the way 
decisions are made by young men;  like lightning,  ---shortest path to 

It would be helpful going forward in future discussions with me that you 
not to put words in my mouth, nor to presume to know how I think or feel, 
presume to attack my character or my person.  I would really appreciate it.

Kind regards,
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