[Python-ideas] Python Numbers as Human Concept Decimal System

Mark H. Harris harrismh777 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 8 08:50:38 CET 2014

On Saturday, March 8, 2014 12:52:32 AM UTC-6, Mark H. Harris wrote:

> but Guido has developed this one into something concrete and feasible: 
>> change the default conversion from float to Decimal (that is, 
>> Decimal(float)) to use the repr. 
> What you and Guido are discussing is perfect.  Thank you.

Guido, Andrew,   I have a question about repr() in my current codes for 
 3.3.4 and below:

Would it be reasonable to add a function to pdeclib to be used internally 
like this:

def Dec(numform):
        return Decimal(repr(numform))

Does this work correctly (for pdeclib internally) ?  I think this works 
better than my first
stab at this (just using str() )  because repr() acts like an eval() ??

Do I understand this correctly? 

It looks like what you are proposing will fix the problem I've been whining 
about.  Thank you.

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