[Python-ideas] Python Numbers as Human Concept Decimal System

Mark H. Harris harrismh777 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 12 06:33:48 CET 2014

On Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:24:49 AM UTC-5, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> Yuck. Is this some kind of joke? We've gone through the trouble of 
> unifying long and int in Python 3 and now people are proposing two 
> different Decimal types, one with fixed precision and one with 
> arbitrary precision? 

I also agree --in the long term someday-- that unification of number is 
key. Sometime
in the distant future where there is no panic, and life is good, and things
are safe.

At some point the correct approach IMHO is to calculate with decimal 
point by default. But, this is not that day.

Finding a way (as everyone is talking) to merge the use of binary floating
point, and decimal floating point calcs, that is flexible &efficient, and 
caters to the
most users (both experienced and novice alike) should be the goal... even
if there are caveats and engineering compromises. It just makes sense.

Thanks for all you are doing guys.

kind regards,
m harris
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