[Python-ideas] [RFC] draft PEP: Dedicated infix operators for matrix multiplication and matrix power

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Fri Mar 14 11:29:31 CET 2014

On Fri, 14 Mar 2014 11:16:34 +0100
"M.-A. Lemburg" <mal at egenix.com> wrote:
> 4. Another very common operation needed in vector/matrix calculation
>    is transposition. This is usually written as superscript "T" or "t"
>    ("ᵀ" in Unicode). Wouldn't this operator be needed as well, to
>    make the picture complete ? OTOH, we currently don't have postfix
>    operators in Python, so I guess writing this as A.transpose()
>    comes close enough ;-)

Or simply implement __invert__, so you can write it "~ A".
(__invert__ doesn't really invert a number, it takes the bitwise
complement :-))

> Hmm, even though I'd love to see matrix operators in Python,
> I don't think they really add clarity to the syntax of matrix
> calculations -  a bit disappointing, I must say :-(

I think they do when you have several of these operations combined in a
single formula, with parentheses and the like.



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