[Python-ideas] iterating over a generator while sending values

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Thu Mar 27 23:24:54 CET 2014

On 3/27/2014 4:16 PM, Clay Gerrard wrote:
> Hi,
> I often use generators when I want to bake some smarts into my producers
> in a typical producer and consumer pattern.  Twice in the past year or
> so on different projects after a few iterations on my producer/consumer
> code ("iterations", ha!) I would eventually find I wanted my consumer to
> send some simple feedback to the producer - when using generators send
> works great for this!
> I normally start here:
> q = producer()
> def consume(q):
>      for item in q:
>          success = handle(item)
> But then ended up here:
> def consume(q):
>      success = None
>      while True:
>          try:
>              item = q.send(success)
>          except StopIteration:
>              break
>          success = handle(item)
> But this always feels clunky; almost "out of order" - I've normally got
> some logging and other bits in there.  I'm just trying to iterate over
> the queue, the StopIteration just feels like noise.

For Python, the normal mode of iteration is 'pull' mode -- the consumer 
pulls from the producer. I believe the send method was mostly designed 
for inversion of control with 'push' mode -- the producer pushes to the 
consumer with .send. The consumer might yield feedback to the producer. 
Sending feedback in pull mode is a secondary use.

The iterator protocol was designed for for statements: the initial call 
to iter(), multiple calls to next() and catching of StopIteration are 
all handled internally. Any time you want to do anything non-standard, 
other that stop before the iterator is exhausted, you have to deal with 
iter, next, and StopIteration yourself. StopIteration is an essential 
part of the protocol, not noise. An example:

def min_f(iterable):
     it = iter(iterable)
         val = next(it)
     except StopIteration:
         raise ValueError("an empty iterable has no minimum")
     for ob in it:
         if ob < val:
             val = ob
     return val

> It seems I always started out with a simple iteration and then end up
> refactoring in the send function once I realize I need to add something
> extra into my producer:
> I want to just say:
> def consume(q):
>      for item in q:
>          success = handle(item)
>          q.send(success)  # oh how I wish I could just add this here!
> But I can just "tack on" the send because it consumes too,

I think you meant "can't", but the problem with .send is that is returns 
the next items prematurely in addition to receiving something. That is 
for the design reason given above. You could just 'tack on' if you wrote 
an iterator class with .__iter__, .__next__, and .send methods, where 
.send only received (and returned an ignorable None).

> so I have to rephrase the "simple" iteration into a "while True try except
> StopIteration break" - yuk.

Catching StopIteration is part of explicit use of the iterator protocol, 
as in min_f above. In this case, one could make everything implicit 
again by using functools.reduce, with in its two parameter form, 
abstracts away the code pattern used in min_f.

from functools import reduce
def min_r(iterable):
     return reduce(lambda v, o: v if v <= o else o, iterable)

s = [5,6,4,6,3]
print(min_f(s), min_r(s))
3, 3

> I normally just end up adding a little helper function, which I've named
> "sending" and use it like this:
> def consume(q):

        success = None

>      for item in sending(q, lambda: success):
>          success = handle(item)

> # this function is missing from stdlib for some reason...

Because it is short, special purpose, and pretty easy to write.

> def sending(g, sender):
>      """
>      Iterate over g with send
>      :params g: the iterable
>      :params sender: the callable returning the value to send
>      """
>      yield g.next()
>      while True:
>          yield g.send(sender())

Writing an iterator or generator that wrap an iterator or, as in this 
case, specifically a generator, is common. Some common patterns that 
work for iterators as input are included in itertools. More are given in 
the recipes section of the doc. The criterion for being in the module is 
that the abstraction either be common or useful in composition with 
others in the module. A specialized generator-input-only iterator would 
not fit.

It is possible that a 'gentools' module would be useful, but it should 
start on PyPI.

> This will raise StopIteration as soon as g is exhausted,

as per the protocol

> but since the caller is already consuming "sending" with a for loop
 > it all works ok in the end.

It does not matter whether the caller uses your generator in a for loop 
or explicit iter-while-next-except-StopIteration construct.

Terry Jan Reedy

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